Category |
Albums |
Files |
| Scan of photo albumsThese are pictures that are in the family but many of the photos are unidentified. |
2 |
173 |

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116 |

4 |
54 |

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70 |

3 |
50 |

2 |
30 |

493 files in 26 albums and 6 categories with 0 comments viewed 47,954 times |

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Harriet_Wright_06121916_death.jpgHarriet Wright 06121916 funeral notice


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Possible_Death_James_Ashworth_1853.jpgJames Ashwell deathThis could be my James death in 1853Jan 25, 2021

Jan_1851_pardon.pngPossibly his pardonWill never know if this is my James AshwellJan 25, 2021

Edward_Lugg_d1917_will.pdfEdward Lugg Will b1854 d1917Jan 18, 2020

Old_Harlow_1848_tithe_map.jpgOld Harlow 1848 tithe mapDec 29, 2019

Old_Harlow_1848_tithe_map_list_of_names.jpgOld Harlow 1848 tithe map list of namesDec 29, 2019

Reuben_Miles_1821_Golden_Lane.jpgOct 20, 2019

Reuben_Miles_Elect_reg_1851.jpgOct 20, 2019

Reuben_Miles_1851_Elect_reg.jpgOct 20, 2019
